
Thursday, 25 April 2019

ANZAC solider tryouts.

WAL what it is to be a solider.
I learnt it is very hard to be a solider
I want to be a solider because I was mostly successful with all the exercises exepet the chin ups

Monday, 8 April 2019

last Friday we had a bike day until lunchtime.

when we were doing bikes we were learning how to be safe and if your on the road and you want to turn left you put your hand out to the left and watch for cars, its the same for you fight hand.
WALHT analyse the information on a graph. I learnt that making graphs are easier than thought they were. every one wanted to interview a moari chef. James Busby was on the quiz that we done but no one wanted to interview him. hone heke was in there and 7 peopl wated to interview him and 1 person wants to interview willeam hobbeson.

Things I can't stand.

making interesting stories.

WALHT make interesting stores using speech  and onomatopoeia to make interesting starters and a question.

yesterday we went to Glenbrook Railway for a school was so fun I hope we can go again sometime.

what the difference is between war and home.

Fearless, death
shaking, hiding, killing
trenches, helmet, family, cousins
hugging, jumping, forgiving
relived, proud
From family down is what home is and from helmet up is what war is.
we are learning about ANZAC and what the solder's did for us,
I learnt that the solder's did't just fight for us they fought for peace'
this picture  represents the battle field that the solders fought on,
next time I would like to look up synonyms about ANZAC.