The plain belly Sneetches asked the star belly Sneetches if they can lay but the star belly Sneetches said
NO you have no star so the plain belly Sneetches watched the star belly Sneetches do everything and the wished that they had a star, then some day a random human monkey called Sylvester McMonkey McBean came along and said come get your stars so the plain belly Sneetches ran over to the guy and asked for stars but the Sneetches had to pay $3.00 to get stars. So the plain belly Sneetches got there stars and they walked over to the other Sneetches and said now we can play with yous and go to your parteis and other things. The Sneetches didn't think it was a good idea so all of the Sneetches wanted stars on and stars off it was $10.00 to get the stars off. But all this time the Sneetches were just giving Sylvester McMonkey McBean money then at the end when they had no money left all the Sneetches were happy the way they ended up and liked each other.

We are learning how to write an interesting recount.
I am trying to add speech to my stories and retells.
I found it easy because I can remember the whole book.
Next time i would like to remember to add full stops.
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